Ready to Lend a Helping Hand? | 401Gives
401Gives is a day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. 401Gives is an initiative of United Way of Rhode Island. Please support us with a donation on Wednesday, April 1, 2021, from 6AM to 6AM. 24 hours. It’s on “401”!
We’re counting down the days to April 1st and 401Gives. We need your help to make our campaign a success, and we’ve included a few easy ways that you can support us.
Support CBC
Share and share alike
Online days of giving are successful because of our own networks. Help us grow our network by sending this email to your network and ask your friends to do the same.
Be socially (media) active
Use your social media networks: post on Facebook, tweet about 401Gives, and share your love for your CBC. Ask others to do the same.
Thank you in advance for your support!