Parental/Guardian Involvement
We need your help to reinforce all the positive aspects of your child’s experience at CBC. Talking with your child about his/ her class experience is a great opportunity to share newly learned skills and build a dialog that:
- Offers support and encouragement
- Reinforces learned skills
- Increases confidence and self-esteem
- Addresses problems or issues in a timely manner
- Allows you to share in the joy and thrill of learning to sail
Sailing and paddling are challenging sports that encourage and require a healthy lifestyle. Help us prepare your child for a full day on the water with these simple, important guidelines that will help sailors and paddlers alike to learn properly, and enjoy their experience: Please bring:
- Good Health – Don’t come if you’re sick
- Lifejacket – USCG Type III (limited, PFDs available) West Marine
- Backpack or duffel (labeled with name)
- Hand sanitizer
- Re-usable water bottle – filled! (no plastic, single-use bottles!)
- Sunscreen (not to be shared)
- Healthy, non-perishable lunch (no nuts/nut products please)
- All trash is pack-in/pack-out)
- Closed-toe shoes (no bare feet or flip-flops)
- Sunglasses, hat, and other sun protection
- Layered clothes for cooler temperatures on the water
- Change of dry clothes and a towel
- Don’t bring jewelry, electronics, or anything that you value
- CBC is not responsible for any lost, immersed, or stolen items
– 109 India St. (Portugal Pkwy), Providence, RI 02903
– Sign-in/Sign-out is in front of our Community Boating building
– EcoAdventure sign-in is 8:30 am
– EcoAdventure sign-out is 3:00 pm
– KidSail sign-in is 8:45 am
– KidSail sign-out is 3:15
– TeenSail sign-in is 9:00 am
– TeenSail sign-out is 3:30 pm
– All classes are offered early drop-off (8:30 am earliest) or late pick-up (4:00 pm latest) for unexpected Washington Bridge traffic delays
– Note: While we do our very best to hold to pick-up times, unlike pulling a player off a soccer field, our program harnesses daily dynamic winds/tides that from time-to-time may extend our day slightly. Thank you for your understanding!
A Note on Bad Weather Days:
When the sun is shining (or mostly shining) sailing and paddling at CBC is hard to beat. However, days that are forecast to be all-day storm events can be challenging for our indoor capacity. If you are in a position to keep your child home on bad weather days (forecast and communicated by us at least a day ahead) we would appreciate your flexibility in helping us reduce the number of youth on-site that day. We understand this is not ideal, and may not be possible for some families, but appreciate your help and understanding.
Daily Schedule
Summer Sailing Camp
8:30* – 10:00, Attendance, classroom session, rigging
10:00 – 12:00, On-the-water instruction
12:00 – 1:00, Lunch
1:00 – 1:30, Specialized classroom session
1:30 – 2:45, On-the-water instruction
2:45 – 3:00, De-rig, debrief
3:00* – 3:30, Student pickup
After-School Programs
3:00* – 3:30, Attendance, classroom session, rigging
3:30 – 5:30, On-the-water instruction
5:30 – 6:00, De-rig, debrief
5:30* – 6:00**, Student pickup
*Drop-off/pick-up times may differ as scheduled in class listing or custom group.
**Prompt pick-ups by an authorized parent/guardian only
Expectations For Behavior
CBC has developed rules and procedures to help ensure a safe, rewarding, and fun learning environment. It is important that you and your child review these guidelines. Appropriate behavior is expected at all times.
- Listen to adults at all times.
- Use kind words.
- Always stay in the cockpit or onboard while sailing or paddling
- No rough play! (It is unsafe.)
- Be helpful to your crew (rigging and de-rigging the boat!)
- Keep your hands in the boat and to yourself!
- No throwing the gravel on the land.
- Do not go on the dock without your life jacket.
- Your life jacket must be zipped & clipped.
Verbal or physical abuse, or behavior that jeopardizes your child’s safety or that of anyone else in the program will not be tolerated. Failure to observe the rules and procedures will result in sanctions that vary according to the nature of the infraction, but can include loss of boating privileges and/ or program expulsion. All students will be accountable to the following three-step system:
Step 1 – This step is a first warning. Parents/Guardian will be notified of the incident and will receive a written note describing the details.
Step 2 – At the second step, a discussion will be held with parent/guardian. The student will receive a brief suspension from the program. The student and parent/guardian will also be reminded that a third step could result in a suspension from the rest of the session.
Step 3 – At the third step, a meeting will be called with the Director. The student will receive an extended suspension from the program, possibly suspension for the remainder of the session. You will not be refunded your payment in this situation.
If you have any questions concerning our Parent/Guardian Guidelines, please contact the Director at 401-454-7245 or We’re here to make your child’s sailing experience as safe and enjoyable as possible. Thank you!