Changing Lives
Last year, over 2,000 children, targeted by CBC efforts, experienced our outreach programs. These children were primarily recruited through liaisons with structured organizations in the Greater Providence area.
There are many children in the greater Providence community who have few safe and healthy available summer activities. Non-sailors may ask, “why sailing?” when Providence already has organizations that offer a variety of sports and recreational activities for low and middle-income youth and families.
For the child at risk or adrift on Providence’s streets, there are few, if any, activities that teach so many important virtues and lessons about life the way sailing does. Sailing requires an unmatched combination of physical skills, intelligence, sound judgment, self-reliance and significant responsibilities for vessel, crew and self. Boys and girls from different cultures and backgrounds work together, learning tolerance, trust and respect for one another. It is not unusual to find that kids who never excelled in any other activity find their niche in sailing.
Most importantly, these kids can continue to enjoy the sport because CBC makes it accessible and affordable. The Community Boating Center adds a new dimension to helping kids develop the qualities needed to succeed in life.
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Contact us for complete details:
John O’Flaherty
Executive Director
Community Boating Center
P.O. Box 5849
Providence, RI 02903
(401) 454-7245