National Reach Initiative “Hub” Network

A national network of regional Reach “Hubs” led by “Centers of Excellence” serve as models of best practices and share learning resources with surrounding “Reach Centers” and “Reach Programs”. The first Reach “Center of Excellence” at Community Boating Center, in Providence, RI has been instrumental in organizing regional mentoring events, training resources, and community partnership models to help “Reach Centers” and “Reach Programs” introduce STEM and environmental education in an efficient and economical manner.
The Reach “Hub” model was replicated and expanded to the Mid-Atlantic region in 2015-2016 with the addition of Downtown Sailing Center as a “Center of Excellence.” In 2017-2018, Mission Bay Aquatic Center was selected as the “Emerging Center of Excellence” in the Southern California Region and currently serves as a “Center of Excellence”. The Columbia Yacht Club, in Chicago, is the latest “Emerging Center of Excellence” and will be mentored by the current Reach “Centers of Excellence.”
Through the support of US Sailing donors, development will continue as the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic and Southern California continue their work and a new regional network will be identified and supported through an emerging Center of Excellence directly impacting a major US City and community in need.

US Sailing helps foster new Reach “Hub” networks and shares resources to actively “normalize” STEM education including environmental literacy and responsibility utilizing a vast network of potential highly skilled workers and ocean stewards.
National Reach Initiative “Hub” Network

Northeast Region:
Center of Excellence:
Community Boating Center Providence, RI
Centers: New England Science & Sailing (CT), Community Sailing Center (VT), Community Boating, Inc. (MA), & The WaterFront Center (NY).

Programs: Bourne Community Boating, Community Boating Center (New Bedford), Conanicut Yacht Club, Courageous Sailing, Greenwich Sailing. Mystic Seaport, Nantucket Community Sailing, Sail Maine, Sail Newport, URI Sailing.