
Our after-school format offers great opportunities for fun and growth in a fresh-air environment. NEW individual sign-ups allow students to join without having to register through a school group.

We are currently accepting applications for our after-school programs.
There has never been a more important time to offer youth healthy, outdoor activities to relieve stress, socialize, and provide much-needed fun, learning structure and exercise.

Please share our many healthy, outdoor youth sailing and paddling camps and lesson opportunities with your friends, neighbors, and colleagues with kids (and adults) looking to get outside, have fun, and enjoy an Ocean State adventure right in your own backyard.

Please Bring:
– Good Health – Don’t come if you are sick
– Lifejacket (limited, assigned PFDs available): West Marine, MTI Lifejackets
– Backpack or duffel (labeled with name)
– Hand sanitizer
– Water bottle (filled with water)
– Sunscreen (not to be shared)
– Snack (all trash is pack-in/pack-out)
– Closed-toe shoes (no bare feet or flip-flops)

Inclement Weather:
We all know it’s not easy running a youth program (or being a parent/guardian) but we are thrilled to be able to get your children out of the house and offer an exciting outdoor experience. When the sun is shining (or mostly shining) sailing and paddling in the Ocean State is hard to beat. However, days that are forecast to be all-day storm events can be challenging for our indoor capacity. If you are in a position to keep your child home on bad weather days (forecast and communicated by us at least a day ahead) we would appreciate your flexibility in helping us reduce the number of youth on-site that day. We understand this is not ideal, and may not be possible for some families, but appreciate your help and understanding.

How To Sign-Up
Designed for student comfort and flexibility, our multiple sessions and personal skill evaluations allow your child to jump right in or sign-up with friends of any skill level, in any session, all season long.

Note: Our youth classes sell out quickly! Check inventory by clicking “REGISTER NOW!” next to the class dates that you are interested in attending.

A) Select CBC Youth Membership
CBC Youth Membership ($25, 1 youth, age 8-16) is required prior to adding classes online. Anyone can join!
– Swimming proficiency (50 yrds.) required. Self-attestation included in terms & conditions of online order.

B) Choose a Class
Our after-school sessions make it easy to create a custom learning schedule, or mesh with your family, work, or vacation plans.

NEW After-School Adventures — Get Out!

Get outside with this fresh air, on-the-water adventure. You’ll explore the bay with your friends sharing the water with tankers, tugboats, and other unique waterfront resources!

  • On-the-water, taught in sailboats, kayaks, & paddleboards!
  • Prerequisite: CBC membership, Ages 12-16
  • Course goal: Safe, fun after-school activity
  • Course fee: $385.00*

Spring Sessions:

ASA-T1**, 5/19 – 6/11, M/W, 3:00 – 6:00 PM – REGISTER NOW!
ASA-T2, 5/20 – 6/12, T/Th, 3:00 – 6:00 PM – REGISTER NOW!

Fall Sessions:

ASA-T3, 9/08 – 10/01, M/W, 3:00 – 6:00 PM – REGISTER NOW!
ASA-T4, 9/09 – 10/02, T/Th, 3:00 – 6:00 PM – REGISTER NOW!

*School/group rates available. **ASA-T1 no class 5/26 (Memorial Day)

TreasureTracker — GPS and Compass Geocaching


Use the power of GPS (global positioning system) technology to hunt for treasure and trace the route that your relatives sailed to reach the US.

  • Classroom/on-the-water, taught in sailboats and on land
  • Prerequisite: CBC membership, Age 12-16
  • Course goal: Safe, fun after-school activity
  • Course fee: $365.00*

Spring Session:

GPS-Y1, TBD, M/W, 3:00 – 6:00 PM – CONTACT CBC

*School/group rates available. Ask about WaterWorld GPS/Sailing combo!

Recent Partners:

Paul Cuffee School
Village Green Virtual Charter School

– All class times and fees are subject to change without notice.
– All sailing and paddling privileges are subject to weather and equipment availability.