Terms & Conditions Applicable
to Members, Students and Participants Only
Waiver of Liability
In accordance with Section 7-6-9 of the General Laws of Rhode Island, I (or as parent/guardian of listed minor) hereby waive and release any and all right and claim for damages that I (my child) may have against Community Boating Center, Inc., hereinafter “CBC”, its officers, directors, agents, servants and employees for any and all injuries suffered by me (my child) at any event or while practicing for or participating in any event or while traveling to or returning from any event sponsored by CBC. I further agree that I (my child) will abide by the rules of CBC. I acknowledge that participation in the sport of sailing & paddling or in any regatta or event sponsored by CBC may involve substantial risk of personal injury or even death, and I hereby assume the risk of any such injury to my (his/her) body arising while practicing for or participating in any event sponsored by CBC and forever give up and relinquish any claim for liability against CBC, its officers, directors, agents, servants and employees that I (my child) may have by reason of participating in such event. As consideration for my (my child’s) participation in any event sponsored by CBC, I hereby agree to indemnity and hold harmless CBC for any damage which I (my child), my (his/her) boat/board or my (his/her) crew may cause to any boat/board or equipment, whether owned outright by CBC, leased, or borrowed for the purposes of this event or program. I understand that in entering this CBC program I (my child) agree(s) to obey all program rules as set forth by the Director and the Instructors; that I (he/she) will use utmost care in the use of the boats/boards and equipment, and that I (he/she) will not engage in any harmful actions or other disruptive behavior. I understand that failure to attend regularly, arrive promptly, and abide by the rules may result in my (my child’s) suspension from the program. I agree to assume the obligation for the expenses of repair and/or replacement of program equipment that is attributable to my (my child’s) reckless or irresponsible behavior.
I understand that I (my child) am (is) required to wear a personal flotation device, “PFD”, which is Coast Guard approved, the proper size for my (his/her) weight and build, and form-fitting and comfortable, as I (he/she) will be wearing it at all times during program involvement. Protective clothing and thermal layering appropriate to the boating conditions are also my responsibility and are a requirement for participation in this program. Shoes will also be worn at all times, both in/on boats/boards, docks and site. I certify that I (my child) am (is) a competent swimmer, that I (he/she) can tread water in full clothing, and that I (he/she) am (is) comfortable with the use of a personal flotation device “PFD” in/on a boat/board and in the water. I understand that CBC hereby disclaims any liability associated with these risk factors.
I understand that my (my child’s) registration information will be kept in an online tracking system to help providers arrange transportation to programs, take attendance, and know where students are scheduled to be and that this information will be shared with various program partners. I hereby grant to CBC, permission to release records which contain my (my child’s) personal information and to share these records and the information contained therein with various program partners. I further hereby grant permission to conduct and publish surveys distributed to me (my child), and to use information acquired thereby, for feedback/suggestions on programming and other legitimate purposes of CBC and program partners.
I (we) agree to comply with CBC social distancing and other COVID-19 safety protocols, and acknowledge that failure to comply could result in suspension or termination from the program.
I (we) have read the CBC Rules & Procedures and I (we) agree to abide by them. I also understand that there are certain risks associated with sailing and water activities. I agree to assume all risk of harm that may befall me (my child) as a result of participating in CBC activities or using CBC equipment including direction from and participation of CBC personnel, directors, board members, or others acting on my (his/her) behalf. Moreover, I agree that if the CBC Director or designee determines that I (my child) have (has) not abided by the club regulations I (he/she) may be barred from using the CBC facilities and I will not be entitled to any refund of monies paid toward lessons, dues or participation. I have read and understand the above and agree to these terms and conditions of my own free will and desire.
Consent for Medical Treatment
I hereby give my consent (or as parent/legal guardian) for minor first-aid/CPR and/or emergency medical care prescribed by a duly licensed Doctor of Medicine or Doctor of Dentistry. This care may be given under whatever conditions are necessary to preserve my (my child’s) life, limb or well-being.
Photo Release
I hereby grant permission to Community Boating Center, Inc., hereinafter “CBC”, or assigned “Photographer” the irrevocable right and unrestricted permission with respect to photographic images taken or may be taken of me (my child) at the CBC or any other location, on boats/boards, docks or on land, or in which I (my child) may be included with others, to use and/or publish individually or in conjunction with any printed matter, in any and all media, now or hereafter known, and for any legal purpose whatsoever, including, but not limited to print media and distribution over the internet for illustration, promotion, art, exhibition, publication, advertising and trade. Furthermore, I consider CBC the sole and complete owner of any such photographs. I warrant I have the right to authorize these uses and hereby agree to hold CBC and assigned Photographer harmless of any and all liability in perpetuity.