Spring Work Party

Work Party Group

Saturday, May 21st, 10 am – Noon

We need your help! Please join us to clean up our waterfront site and begin to prep our fleet for the season!

Roll up your sleeves and help rig, prep boats, and clean up CBC and the waterfront.

Help/Learn how to:

– Rake, clean, and spruce-up CBC
– Rig and step masts
– Evaluate boat and rigging repairs
– Safely launch boats
– Provide general site/gear maintenance
– Spin a sailing tale like a pro

No RSVP required. Hope to see you (and your friends and family) there.
Note: Bring gloves, friends and a desire to help this great cause!

Thank you!

401Gives – 4/1/22

Ready to Lend a Helping Hand? | 401Gives

401Gives is a day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. 401Gives is an initiative of United Way of Rhode Island. Please support us with a donation on Friday, April 1, 2022, from 6AM to 6AM. 24 hours. It’s on “4/01”!

We’re counting down the days to April 1st and 401Gives. We need your help to make our campaign a success, and we’ve included a few easy ways that you can support us.

Support CBC


Share and share alike
Online days of giving are successful because of our own networks. Help us grow our network by sending this email to your network and ask your friends to do the same.

Be socially (media) active
Use your social media networks: post on Facebook, tweet about 401Gives, and share your love for your CBC. Ask others to do the same.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Dockmasters Wanted!


Community Boating Center (CBC) has the following seasonal open job opportunities for our spring (May – June), summer (June – Aug), and fall (Sept. – Nov.) 2021 seasons:


Responsibilities include boat maintenance and repair identifying potential repair needs and having the skill to affect them. Must maintain a boat sign out log for daily boat use by members and classes. Maintains control of time slots and boat use according to previously determined skill levels and membership status. Schedules skipper test evaluations for potential members with available instructors. Provides class availability schedules and information to all interested in joining Community Boating Center.

Must have experience in boat repairs, working in wood, repairing aluminum rigging, and sanding and painting. Responsible for general on site maintenance of building and property. Must maintain current list of emergency contacts and procedures. Must be proficient in chase boat operation and rescue procedures set by the Program Manager. Responsible for weather evaluation and boat/ equipment allocation based on weather conditions and skill level.

Sailing Instructors – Youth and Adult

Responsibilities include preparation of daily lesson plans for classroom and on-the-water instruction following curriculum guidelines set by the Program Manager, and US Sailing. Must posses strong interpersonal skills to provide students and members with positive feedback to reinforce safe sailing procedures, hands-on instruction, and sailing fun.

Responsible for shoreside and on-the-water instruction, boat safety inspections, student evaluations, and daily program safety. Must posses current US Sailing Small Boat Sailing certificate, including current First-Aid certificates, and be proficient in chase boat operation.

Works with Jr. Sailing Instructors and volunteers in training capacity to foster future Instructor candidates. Sailing Instructor candidates will perform on-the-water skipper’s test evaluations for potential adult members at scheduled intervals. Sailing Instructor candidates may assume Dockmaster duties for scheduled adult open sailing hours and should be familiar with all Dockmaster responsibilities.

Jr. Sailing Instructors

Works with Sailing Instructors to assist in shoreside and on-the-water drills. Acts as a positive role model for students, teaching basic sailing maneuvers and boat handling skills. Assists in boat maintenance and repair stressing the importance of equipment maintenance and general seamanship. The Jr. Sailing Instructor candidate will be given the opportunity to train in Instructor functions and activities, and will be provided with training and boat use membership privileges.

STEM Educator

The STEM Educator administers an ongoing STEM program including short-term planning, organizing, leading, teaching, and controlling program activities.

Primary Duties and Responsibilities

The STEM Educator performs a wide range of duties including some or all of the following:

Plan the Program

  • Plan the daily delivery of the overall program and its activities in accordance with the mission and the goals of the organization

Organize the Program

  • Ensure that program activities operate within the policies and procedures of the organization
  • Ensure that program activities comply with all relevant legislation and professional standards
  • Develop and/or maintain forms and records to document program activities
  • Oversee the collection and maintenance of records on the clients of the program for statistical purposes according to the confidentiality/privacy policy of the organization

Lead the Program

  • Ensure all staff members receive daily orientation and appropriate training in accordance with organizational and industry standards
  • Supervise program staff by providing direction, input and feedback
  • Communicate with clients and other stakeholders to gain community support for the program and to solicit input to improve the program
  • Liaise with other managers to ensure the effective and efficient program delivery
  • Coordinate the delivery of services among different program activities to increase effectiveness and maximize efficiency

Teach the Program

  • Prepare daily lesson plans for classroom and on-the-water instruction following curriculum guidelines set by the Executive Director, and US Sailing.
  • Must possess strong interpersonal skills to provide students and members with positive feedback to reinforce safe sailing procedures, hands-on STEM instruction, and sailing fun.
  • Responsible for shore-side and on-the-water instruction, boat safety inspections, student evaluations, and daily program safety.
  • Work with Jr. Sailing Instructors and volunteers in training capacity to foster future Instructor candidates.

Control the Program

  • Provide data to the Executive Director for written reports on the program for clients and/or funders
  • Communicate with clients and/or funders as outlined in funding agreements
  • Identify and evaluate the risks associated with program activities and take appropriate action to control the risks
  • Monitor the program activities on a regular basis and conduct an annual evaluation according to the program evaluation framework
  • Report evaluation findings to the Executive Director and recommend changes to enhance the program, as appropriate


  • Education – Must posses or be working towards a University degree in a related subject
  • Knowledge, Skills and Abilities – Program management/ education, STEM background
  • Experience – 3 to 5 years experience in a related field
  • Working Conditions – Office and on-the-water environment

The STEM Educator will work a standard workweek or agreed upon work schedule as designated by the Program Manager or Executive Director.

Send Resumes to:

Community Boating Center
Attn: Hiring Committee
PO Box 5849
Providence, RI 02903

Community Boating Center (CBC) is a non-profit, 501c3 recreational organization offering all members of the community an opportunity to sail and paddle. Located in India Point Park, CBC provides outreach, sailing lessons and affordable access to the Providence waterfront.

11th Hour Racing Grant

The Schmidt Family Foundation/11th Hour Racing Funds Sailorship/STEM Program

11th Hour Racing

The Schmidt Family Foundation/11th Hour Racing has awarded a grant to Community Boating Center’s (CBC) after-school and summer programs that use the fun and excitement of sailing to encourage students to focus on higher levels of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) academic achievements, environmental connection, and career ambitions.

Community Outreach

CBC’s youth summer scholarship program provides funding for low to moderate-income children and teens to attend sailing and paddling lessons at CBC. Additionally, this project will partner with Providence public schools, the Boys and Girls Club, and the Sophia Academy to develop mentorships that provide quality, out-of-school-time programming that promotes physical, social, and emotional well-being for underserved, at-risk youth in Providence public and independent/charter schools.


  • Provide access to the week-long Youth ‘Sailorships’ Summer Program, providing on-water STEM education activities for students from Providence public schools.
  • Engage students in twice-weekly after-school and summer STEM education through a four-week sailing program.
  • CBC utilizes US Sailing Reach curriculum, along with lessons on local water quality and marine debris, to inspire environmental stewardship of natural resources such as Narragansett Bay.

Community Boating Center (CBC) is a non-profit, 501c3 recreational organization offering all members of the community an opportunity to sail and paddle. Located in India Point Park, CBC provides outreach, sailing lessons and affordable access to the Providence waterfront.

GivingTuesdayNow 5/5

Set Sail

Dear Friends, Supporters and Community Members,

Tuesday, May 5th, GivingTuesdayNow, is a day of global giving to help organizations like CBC take extra good care of themselves, each other, and the world we share during the COVID-19 crisis. We can’t change the wind – but we can adjust our sails…

Rhode Island and its boating activity, like most of the rest of our country, are shut down during this turbulent time. COVID-19 and our spring opening – the beginning of a limited, seasonal revenue window – arrived simultaneously. Our highly valued, school sailing partners (customers) have necessarily put life on hold, working to remain healthy and vital for the future. We have transitioned from a fully-booked after-school schedule to a period of uncertainty in our spring and summer plans.

We need your help! Although we have adjusted timing, plans, and finances and will be prepared to offer summer services, should that prove possible, we anticipate delaying our targeted start of revenue generating programs until summer. While we have undertaken budget adjustments with measured savings in expenses to offset losses in revenue, the continued support of our highly valued funding partners for grants, donations, and member fees is vital to our success.

While we all juggle the many things necessary to our own health and disrupted circumstances, the sense of support, volunteerism and community strength that Community Boating Center’s founding brought to Providence, the capital of the Ocean State, has reemerged. Together, we will weather the storm.

Please share our many healthy, summer outdoor youth sailing and paddling camps and lesson opportunities with your friends, neighbors, and colleagues with kids (and adults) looking to get outside, have fun, and enjoy an Ocean State adventure right in your own backyard.

We will continue to “adjust our sails” and update you as this current public health crisis evolves. Thank you for your understanding and of course, for your continued support.

Community Boating Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowable by law. Thank You!

$25 Friend- DONATE NOW!
Supply materials for our STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) youth programs for our eager learners.

$50 Guardian- DONATE NOW!
Ensure the continued safety of our programs with a purchase of life jackets for youth sailors and kayakers.

$100 Supporter- DONATE NOW!
Help support our vision of utilizing sailing as a medium to positively engage at-risk youth with an Ocean State adventure.

$250 Sponsor- DONATE NOW!
Help put a youth sailor on the water and a smile on his/her face with a summer Sailorship scholarship.

$500 Patron- DONATE NOW!
Enable a group of deserving inner-city youth to discover sailing or kayaking with a single-day outreach experience.

We appreciate your tax-deductible donation. – THANK YOU!

Please help us weather the COVID-19 storm with the resources we need to ensure our continued success!

John O’Flaherty
Executive Director
Community Boating Center

401Gives – 4/1

401 Gives

Ready to Lend a Helping Hand? | 401Gives

401Gives is a day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. 401Gives is an initiative of United Way of Rhode Island. Please support us with a donation on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, from 6AM to 6AM. 24 hours. It’s on “401”!

We’re counting down the days to April 1st and 401Gives. We need your help to make our campaign a success, and we’ve included a few easy ways that you can support us.

Support CBC


Share and share alike
Online days of giving are successful because of our own networks. Help us grow our network by sending this email to your network and ask your friends to do the same.

Be socially (media) active
Use your social media networks: post on Facebook, tweet about 401Gives, and share your love for your CBC. Ask others to do the same.

Thank you in advance for your support!

COVID-19 Update

Dear Friends, Supporters and Community Members,

We can’t change the wind – but we can adjust our sails…

We are currently accepting applications for adult memberships.
Adult open (recreational) boating runs from from 6/06* – 10/11, 4-7 pm weekdays, 1-7 pm weekends.

*Pending Reopening RI Phase II approval and opening of Providence Parks parking areas.

We are currently accepting applications for our summer camps.
There has never been a more important time to offer youth healthy, outdoor activities to relieve stress, socialize, and provide much-needed fun, learning structure and exercise. Sailing and paddling are inherently social-distancing. Enhanced with new rules and procedures based upon best practices, we look forward to opening 6/29 under the guidance and approval of our greatly appreciated state and local leadership.

We need your help! Please share our many healthy, summer outdoor youth sailing and paddling camps and lesson opportunities with your friends, neighbors, and colleagues with kids (and adults) looking to get outside, have fun, and enjoy an Ocean State adventure right in your own backyard.

Although CBC is not offering after-school programs at this time, we are closely monitoring our charter school and PPSD partners’ plans and will do our best to keep you posted of our schedules for the start up of the spring and/or summer sailing seasons.

Additionally, to ensure the safety of all our employees and due to the requirements set forth by local and state municipalities regarding public gatherings we are suspending CBC facility rentals and events until further notice.

We will continue to “adjust our sails” and update you as this current public health crisis evolves. Thank you for your understanding and support.

Stay safe and healthy,

John O’Flaherty
Executive Director
Community Boating Center

401-454-SAIL (7245)

COVID-19 Resources:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html

Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH): https://health.ri.gov/data/covid-19/

Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE):https://www.ride.ri.gov/InsideRIDE/AdditionalInformation/Covid19.aspx

United Way: https://www.uwri.org/2-1-1/

City of Providence website: http://www.providenceri.gov/

Providence Public Schools website: https://www.providenceschools.org/