Donation (Renaissance Regatta)
Renaissance Regatta, our signature fundraiser, is your opportunity to take part in celebrating all that CBC accomplishes every year. Your support is more important than ever to enable our deserving youth students to enjoy our summer camp and after-school programs.
Renaissance Regatta Fundraiser
Renaissance Regatta, our signature fundraiser, is your opportunity to take part in celebrating all that CBC accomplishes every year. Join us on Thursday, 7/31/25!

This year’s Renaissance Regatta & Celebration features an end-of-season, summer camp awards ceremony and reception. All CBC Sailing & EcoAdventure campers from all sessions, adult members, friends, family (sail with your child!), guests & sponsors from the entire summer season are invited to join us for an afternoon/evening of regatta fun and activities!
Show your support of CBC with an advanced ticket purchase to this fundraiser. Regatta attendees can enjoy watching youth sailors race sailboats, kayaks, and paddleboards from the pier followed by an awards ceremony. Ticket purchase includes appetizers (food truck available), adult beverages, and sailboat rides for campers, family (sail with your child!), and friends! CBC support opportunities include a race spectator boat, raffle, auction, & Upper Bay powerboat tours.
The mission of Community Boating Center (CBC) is to provide instruction and access to recreational sailing and boating for all, with an emphasis on children, without regard to financial station. We do so by providing programs to build self-esteem, broaden horizons, and advance environmental awareness. CBC nurtures a true sense of community in which the diversity of the urban environment is respected and encouraged.

Please help expand our network with your personal contacts. Thank you!
Sign-up as a sponsor of our Renaissance Regatta fundraiser today!
Share your passion and success with sailing with youth who deserve a chance to experience Narragansett Bay. – DONATE NOW!
Thank you for your continued support!
Contact me at or 401.454.SAIL (7245) with any questions. Hope to see you on the water!
Download our Renaissance Regatta Support Package
Watch our Renaissance Regatta Videos!
Regatta Facts
CBC campers, parents, sponsors, donors, members, board members, friends, family and your invited guests. (100-150 people)
Renaissance Regatta, CBC’s signature fundraiser, is your opportunity to celebrate all that CBC accomplishes every year. This year’s Renaissance Regatta & Celebration features an end-of-season, summer camp awards ceremony & reception. All CBC Sailing/EcoAdventure campers from all sessions, adult members, friends, family (sail with your child!), guests & sponsors from the entire summer season are invited!
- Thursday, July 31st, 2025
- 3:30 pm Registration/ check-in
- 4:00 – 5:00 pm, Youth sailboat, SUP, & kayak racing
- 4:00 – 5:00 pm, Race spectator boat available
- 5:15 – 6:00 pm, Upper bay powerboat tour available
- 5:00 – 6:00 pm, Sailboat rides (sail with your child!)
- 5:00 – 7:00 pm, Open bar/ appetizers served
- 5:00 – 7:00 pm, Food truck available
- 6:30 pm, Regatta/ season superlative awards
- 7:00 pm, Close of event
Community Boating Center
109 India Street, Providence, RI 02903 (India Point Park)
(401) 454-7245,
This fundraiser is your chance to support CBC. Help us meet our goal of $36K to sponsor inner-city youth sailors for a safe, fun summer on the water!
- Admirals’ Club — $5,000 – DONATE NOW!
Underwrite the cost of a new boat to help us reach even more sailors in our quest to enhance Providence’s waterfront revival. - Captains’ Club — $3,000 – DONATE NOW!
Underwrite the cost of one of our nationally acclaimed STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) inner-city youth classes. - Commanders’ Club — $2,000 – DONATE NOW!
Enable a local organization of inner-city youths to discover sailing by funding a multi-day group outreach experience. - Lieutenants’ Club — $1,000 – DONATE NOW!
Join the impact CBC is having on Providence’s waterfront revival with the purchase of paddleboards for our EcoAdventure program. - Ensigns’ Club — $500 – DONATE NOW!
Help put a deserving student on the water and a smile on their face with a donation toward a “Sailorship” for a Summer Camp session. - All Donations Accepted – DONATE NOW!
Show your support with an advanced ticket purchase! – BUY NOW!
- FREE for campers (any session) who race in the regatta!
- $40 for CBC parent/guardian or CBC member ($50 at door)
- $50 for non-members ($60 at door)
Your on-the-water opportunity to watch (and photograph) racing! – BUY NOW!
(purchase details coming soon!)
- $40 for CBC members
- Limited availability
Cruise the Upper Bay by powerboat with the Providence RiverBoat Co.! – BUY NOW!
- $50 for CBC members
- Limited availability

CBC’s fundraising goal for this annual event is $36,000. Help us meet our goal and continue our success in providing high quality youth outreach initiatives and programs.
Show your appreciation of CBC with these support opportunities!
Advance Tix Purchase
Show your support with an advanced ticket(s) purchase! *Reduced rate tix available for CBC scholarship youth/families – BUY NOW!
Sail With You Child
Your ticket purchase includes the opportunity go sailing with your child! (weather permitting)
Make a Donation
Can’t attend? Feeling extra generous? – DONATE NOW!
Spectator Boat Tickets
Your on-the-water opportunity to watch (and photograph) racing! – BUY NOW!
Evening Powerboat Tour
Cruise the Upper Bay by powerboat with the Providence RiverBoat Co.! – BUY NOW!
Online Auction/Raffle
Choose a convenient online option. (50/50 raffle, select, premium auction items)
Company Sponsorship
Ask your company (or family) to become a sponsor!- DONATE NOW!
In-Kind Donation
Premium auction item, marine item gift/ youth awards, food, beer, wine, bartending, photography, music/ DJ service, printing, collateral, banners, other?
For additional information contact:
Community Boating Center
Attn: John O’Flaherty
P.O. Box 5849
Providence, RI 02903
(401) 454-7245